Since 2002
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The Airborne Debris Problem in Cooling Towers

(Scroll Down & Click Photos to Enlarge)

Why use a water filtration solution for an airborne debris problem?  It doesn’t make sense!

Wouldn’t if be better to simply keep airborne debris out in the first place?

Prevention costs a lot less than remediation.

Air Intake Filters from Air Solution Company have been installed on cooling and air intake systems across many industries. Whether your systems are used for process cooling or environmental air, no business today can afford to be without an effective cooling system. That is why taking preventative measures makes sense.

Air Intake Filters provide you with a first line of defense preventing cottonwood seed, airborne debris and insects from entering your cooling tower, air-cooled condenser coils or air handling system.

The Pulley Mount Fastening System

allows you to Raise & Lower / Inspect & Clean the filter screens in Minutes!

(Watch the videos below)

Air Solution Company’s unique, patented filters are designed and engineered with self-cleaning features because nothing sticks and even the rain washes them off.

Videos showing the easy operation of Air Solution Company’s’ patented Pulley Mount Fastening System & Vinyl Covers for off-season storage.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2015

Airborne debris drawn into a cooling tower can quickly contaminate and the fill, sump, strainers and internal structural components. 

This fouling is the food source that leads to high levels of bacteria and proliferation of micro-organisms which are seriously unhealthy.  Legionnaires disease flourishes in this environment.

In addition, these conditions result in inefficient operation, high energy costs, loss reduced cooling capacity, more maintenance, damaged fill and accelerated corrosion.  This bio-fouling defeats a water treatment program and requires serious emergency cleaning and disinfection.  in addition, the piping systems and chillers become contaminated, requiring similar expensive unnecessary maintenance and downtime.   ASHRAE Standard 188-2015 & ASHRAE Guideline 12 require cleanliness.

The biggest problem is airborne debris, which can be controlled with Air Solution Company’s patented, Air Intake Filter Screens.

ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000

Airborne Debris Collects & Contributes Significantly to Cooling Tower Fouling & Feeds Bacteria

Airborne Debris Caught on the Sump Strainer Could Have Been Kept Out of the Sump
Cooling Towers 001
Organic Material Built Up in the Cooling Tower Fill & Mist Eliminators
Organic Debris Collecting in Condenser Water Piping.
Slime & Organic Debris Built Up Between the Sheets of Fill
Fill with Scale Build-up
Airborne Debris Collecting in the Sump
Cooling Towers 117

Cooling Towers 002
Cooling Towers 003
Cooling Towers 006
Cooling Towers 008
Cooling Towers 102
Cooling Towers 040
Cooling Towers 113
Cooling Towers 004
Cooling Towers 061
Floating Algae Growth & Sediment in the Sump
Scum Floating on the Water & Sediment in the Sump
Algae Growth on the Vertical Members & Sediment in the Sump
Cooling Tower Fill
Marley Sigma Tower
Industrial Grade Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Screens Keep Insects, Cottonwood Seed, Leaves & Other Airborne Debris Out of the Cooling Tower Fill, Sump, Strainers, Piping & Chillers.
Easy to Clean!  Simply Use Your Hand or a Soft Foxtail Brush.  Even the Rain Washes Them Off.

Benefits of keeping the debris out: saves you a lot $ and serious problems, extends the life of your cooling towers and multiplies your ROI, for the next 10-20 years.

Don’t leave your equipment unprotected!  Your life and the life of others depends on it.  Don’t be deceived by cheap imitations, your HVAC investment is important than that, as is your O&M budget!