Serving Kansas & Missouri Since 2002

Serving Kansas & Missouri Since 2002

Legionnaires & Cooling Tower Fouling: Highly Effective Air Scrubbers & The Problem of Airborne Contaminates

'Because cooling towers and evaporative condensers are highly effective air scrubbers and because they move large volumes of air, organic material and other debris can be accumulated. This material may serve as a nutrient source for legionellae growth. Diverse biofilms, which can support the growth of legionellae, may be present on heat exchanger surfaces, structural surfaces, sump surfaces, and other miscellaneous surfaces.” (ASHRAE Guideline 12, Page 8, Section 7.4 Nutrients)

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2021, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems (Page 6, Section 6.2.1 Program Team)

Evaporative Cooling Towers Are Air Scrubbers Which Harvests Food for the Bacteria

That’s why airborne debris is the biggest problem! Take a look below.

Industrial Grade Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Screens Keep Insects, Cottonwood Seed, Leaves & Other Airborne Debris Out of the Cooling Tower Fill, Sump, Strainers, Piping & Chillers.

Industrial Grade Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Screens Keep Insects, Cottonwood Seed, Leaves & Other Airborne Debris Out of the Cooling Tower Fill, Sump, Strainers, Piping & Chillers.

Airborne Debris Caught on the Sump Strainer Could Have Been Kept Out of the Sump

Airborne Debris Caught on the Sump Strainer Could Have Been Kept Out of the Sump

Cottonwood removed from the Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Screens on one of two sides of a hospital's cooling tower.  This would have wound up in the tower water, fill, sump, strainers, piping & chiller.  Restricting flow, heat exchange, feeding the bacteria, algae and other microbiological growth, including Legionella.

Cottonwood removed from the Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Screens on one of two sides of a hospital's cooling tower. This would have wound up in the tower water, fill, sump, strainers, piping & chiller. Restricting flow, heat exchange, feeding the bacteria, algae and other microbiological growth, including Legionella.

In other words . . . Keep Airborne Debris Out in the First Place!

Air Solution Company Cottonwood Air Intake Filter Systems have been installed on cooling and air intake systems across many industries. Whether your systems are used for process, comfort or environmental air, no business today can afford to be without an effective cooling system.  That is why taking preventative measures makes sense. Air Intake Filters provide you with a first line of defense preventing cottonwood seed, airborne debris and insects from entering your cooling or air handling system.

First Step in the Control of Microbiological Activity in Cooling Towers is to Eliminate the Major Sources of Contamination, those sources are mostly airborne.

Keep Bugs, Leaves, Cottonwood and Other Airborne Debris Out of the Fill, Sump, Strainers, Blow-down Valves, Other Components & Out of the Water

Non-chemical Water Treatment components are especially vulnerable to the build-up of cottonwood & sludge, Electrostatic electrodes must be clean to function properly.

Pulse-Power Technology requires Systems Solids Management such as a Centrifugal Separator or side-stream water filters to maintain clean water. 

Cottonwood Air Intake Filters keep the airborne solids out & allow the non-chemical water treatment & supporting system to operate in ideal conditions.

You Save Time & Money by Using an Air-side Solution for Airborne Problems

Eliminate the Need For or Reduce the Size of Water Filtration Equipment: Applies to First Cost & the Associated Operating & Maintenance Costs

  • Prevent Down Time Due To Clogging & Fouling
  • Reduces or Eliminates Algae Growth without sunlight, there is no photosynthesis taking place, and the algae is not able to produce food for itself
  • Reduces Water Treatment Costs, Makes Water Treatment Chemicals More Effective So You Use Less
  • Improves Cooling Tower & Chiller Plant Performance by Creating Laminar Airflow Across the Fill

Best Practices for the Prevention of Bacterial Growth & Prevention of Legionella.  Helps to minimize pathogenic biological agents in cooling towers by removing food sources.  Part of a Good Program to Protect Building Occupants, Maintenance Staff & Others

A recent cooling tower study showed dramatic improvement in tower and condenser water system performance.  The cottonwood filters create laminar flow across the cooling tower fill which results in:

  • Reducing the leaving water temperature to the chillers by 1° F which is an immediate 2% energy savings for all operating chillers
  • 5% reduction in the cooling tower fan energy
  • 20% reduction in tower maintenance costs

With thousands of filters currently in service across North America, our cost effective air intake filter systems have become a key component in the management of environmental air and in the maintenance of cooling water systems.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2021, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188-2021, Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems

ANSI/ASHRAE Guideline 12-2020 Managing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems

ANSI/ASHRAE Guideline 12-2020 Managing the Risk of Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems